Sophisticated and engaging storytelling
through science, art, music and technology.

Milan Meyberg is a Dutch Sustainability Strategist, Keynote Speaker and award winning Concept Developer providing services to global lifestyle brands.

I develop groundbreaking concepts and sustainable strategies for purpose driven companies.

With over 20 years of experience in the music industry, Milan was one of the first pioneers in the Netherlands to use festivals as living labs and direct the industry’s vast talent and creativity to solve environmental problems. Most notably, he developed and implemented several award winning concepts and protocols to help create the world’s most sustainable festival (DGTL) based on the tenets of a circular economy.

However, during the COVID-years, as events and festivals could not be organized effectively, Milan turned to other areas where he could implement his ideas. For the past two and a half years, he has been developing the ‘Basecamp Eco-Resorts’ concept which is now ready to expand globally.

In the coming years, Basecamp will develop and regenerate two new resorts in Tanzania, two more in Sardinia, and an additional three more in Bonaire, Bali and Vietnam. The endgoal is to develop 20 completely self-sufficient and regenerative Eco-Resorts at some of the most beautiful locations in the world; A global challenge, in a rapidly changing world.

It is Milan’s firm belief that these Basecamp sites have the potential to serve as a blueprint for regenerative living and leisure, and could become nesting grounds for a new generation of creative entrepreneurs and eco-conscious tourists. When he is not traveling you can find him on stage as either a DJ or Keynote Speaker, presenting his visions and soundscapes for the future.


Keynotes, Lectures and Presentations

Over the years I have developed an outspoken vision of our near-future world. Find out how you, your business, or organization will be impacted during my keynote presentation on the future of sustainability, or my keynote on the future of the events industry in a post-covid world…

Learn more


Consultancy, Strategy and Workshops

Getting from idea to product can be a daunting task. During my workshops I will help you (and your team) get to the essence of an idea, formulate a clear mission and a strong vision. Together we will set realistic milestones, outsource specialized tasks, and develop a clear roadmap to reach your goals. (And yes, it will be fun too!)


Concept Development
and Project Management

In need of an innovative idea, fresh perspective, or a review of your plans? Looking for someone to manage your project? Contact me to find out how I can take your concept to the next level. Also make sure to check out my portfolio to see the type of concepts and projects I have experience with.


Content Creation, and Multichannel Marketing

Nowadays, storytelling is everything. Having a world-changing concept is one thing, getting your target demographic to acknowledge it is a whole different ballgame. I can help you set up a storytelling campaign and create the right kind of content for every channel. Photography, videos, illustrations, copywriting, augmented hyper-bananas, you name it.

review: Food Inspiration network

'Milan Meyberg is a living example
of the 'post-covid new normal.'

'He has shown us that a
healthy and sustainable future
is the only way forward.'

How I work and
what to expect.

1. Consultancy

Every project I take on starts with a consultancy session to identify the starting point, problem or challenge. This is very important to me, because the better I understand your situation, the better (and faster) I can develop something amazing. After your briefing we will define the objectives and paramaters for succes, and we will create a preliminary roadmap.

2. Ideation and research

After the consultancy session, I dig into the subject matter through in-depth research. That means hitting the books, finding the right research papers, a few trips to the library, watching obscure documentaries, and getting lost in the youtube-maze of low quality (but informative) niche videos. During this "divergent thinking" process I usually find an innovative "hook" or an "angle" that most people simply can’t see or tend to overlook.

3. Keynote and workshops

In the next phase I will present my findings to you with a draft keynote presentation. The keynote is followed by a workshop “Concept Development” for you, your team or business unit. During this workshop we will apply “convergent thinking” techniques to decide what angle or hook to work with in the next phase. It is of the utmost importance that you and/or your team really understands the subject matter, because it will form the foundation for the solution of the problem.

4. Development sprint

Now that the ideation phase is over, it’s time to sprint! We will decide on which angle or hook to use, and we will take the best ideas to develop a rough concept draft, a product mockup or strategic story(line) to embody the first concept. This is where the hard work starts to pay off and the solution is starting to present itself.

5. Content creation

After the development sprint, it’s time for the creative part. I will take the results of the development sprint and I will start making or selecting creative content. That means shooting photos and videos, writing copy, animate, illustrate or build prototypes. This can be done by me individually or together with you and/or your team.

6. Concept draft

It’s all starting to come together. By now we should have at leas one great idea, a strategy to approach the idea, an angle/hook to connect it to the bigger picture, a visual or creative representation of the proposed solution, and beautiful creative content to glue it all together in an engaging story.

7. Concept presentation

Story time. I will present my solution and/or concept in a beautiful keynote presentation to you or your team/business unit. I will go through the creative process of ideation,  I will explain eloquently how I came upon my conclusions and I will suggest the next steps. This is usually where the smiles appear, and the excitement becomes palpable.

8. Feedback

How did you feel about my story? What did it trigger inside of you? Do you feel energized, amazed or mesmerized? If the answer is yes, then I was able to do what I love most. I will apply your feedback, make some final adjustments, and we’re nearly done.

9. Publication and review

I love it when a plan comes together. In this final phase I will publicize my story, my findings and results on selected social media channels in the form of a project summary, a vlog and blog. It will feature you and your team (if you like), crediting all contributions by third parties. Now the story is ready to be told and shared (and maybe even win an award or two).

10. Follow up

The final phase that most people tend to forget. During this phase I will observe and track how the plan/concept/solution works out and I will relay my conclusions to you. There you have it: How I work in 10 steps. Get in touch if you think I'm the right man for the job, you won't regret it.


I love it when a
plan comes together.

2018/2019 Green
Operations Award

Go Group / Yourope: Most Sustainable Festival of Europe (DGTL) Jury Award

2018 World
Smart City Award 

Best city program for circularity (Amsterdam Municipality) Jury Award

A Greener Festival Award

Most sustainable festival in the world (DGTL) 

Jury Award

2018 FestX

Outstanding Green Event (DGTL) Jury Award

2018 FD Young
Promise Listing

One of the 50 most promising entrepreneurial Dutch talents under the age of 35.

2018 DJ100

One of the 100 most sustainable Dutch citizens under the age of 32.

2017 DAM

Most sustainable company of Amsterdam (DGTL)
Jury Award

2018 The Netherland 
CO2 Neutral Award

Most sustainable Company
of the Netherlands (DGTL)
Audience Award

Premios Fest Award

Most sustainable
festival (DGTL)
Jury Award

2016/2017 iCapital Award
Maak je Stad Challenge

Most promising service proposal (Eco Coin) Committee Selection


2017 Gezonde Stad
Innovation Challenge

Most innovative sustainable product proposal (Symbioculture Farm) Audience Award

2016 ADE Green
Innovation Challenge

Most innovative product design proposal (NATR) Jury Award



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